Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Syllabus - School Certificate Questions

A) This programming information was in great detail, it was specific and gave vital information. It was easy to follow and understand as everything had a title and it was all set out so your were able to navigate your way around with little or no trouble.
I really liked the set out of the programme as there was bullet points that hightlighted what was important and there were also lists that broke down information into its simpliest form to make it eaiser to understand. There was also many pictures, diagrams and tables which made learning more interesting and benificial. You were able to look at the diagrams and viually see and learn. The diagrams and tables made learning eaiser and you are able to stay for foucssed on the task because you do not have to read a long paragraph of information.
There were also colours which made the programme stand out, it makes it more interesting and it is visually effective for students and others to read.

B) I found many important and learnt many new things. It was very interesting to read through every point and look at things like the objectives and outcomes of my chosen subject. What i really found interesting and important was the use of diagrams and tables, they were very relevant and provided very useful information, once of which i have included in my blog. I think the use of diagrams are useful and vital for any programme or presentation as it helps to stimulate the mind and it also contributes to all learning styles and all students are able to learn and take in the information. It was very benifical for me and i was able to read the information and then see it in either a table or a diagram.

C) This gave me a very clear understanding of all the objectives for PDHPE, it helped me understand what is expected of teacher and students. Everything was clealy set out and easy to understand. After reading through all the objectives i know that now i will be able to apply each objective when i will be teaching, this will benifit both myself and the students.

The Programme presented by the Board of Studies consisits of many roles and has many purposes. It is very effective and all students, not just teachers are able to gain access to it. Students are then able to know and learn the outcomes for their subjects and know what is expected of them. As well for teachers, they are able to know step by step what students should learn and what they are are expected to know at the end of the course. As a result students learning experience is much more positive and so is the teaching and learning environment.

Each program should have:
1. A rational - explaines why the program exisits
2. Aims - to explain what the program will achieve
3. outcome statements - to indicate what stusents are to learn.
4. content statemetns - to indeicate what braord areas of content will be used as vehicals for student learning.
5. teaching strategy statements - to indicate how learning activities will be organised.
6. assessment guidelines - to indicate how student learing will be assessed and reported.

There are three types of programming:
1. content based programming - the selection of content precedes consideraton of outcomes or teachign strategies.
2. activities based programming - the selection of learning experiences precedes other decisions.
3. outcome based programming - the first decision is about what students will learn and be able to do on completion of gthe programme.

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