Monday, March 19, 2007

The wheel of domains

Understanding basic definitions of each intelligence in place is important, but not as important as the working understanding of how the intelligences work with one another. After all, if these different paths to learning always act in consort, we're really not providing for the full potential of this model unless we look at all of the intelligences in operation together.
This can be difficult to do, because once you begin observing a specific child the intelligences become very fluid and free flowing. What might be easily recognizable in isolation becomes much less clear when observing the intelligences in action holistically.
In presenting Gardner's theory to educators, teachers always come up with questions about this overlapping of intelligences. We are so used to theory that nicely packages teaching and learning into neat compartments, we tend to cling to the individual integrity of each intelligence. It's hard to let go and accept the fact that, since Gardner's theory is based on the way these intelligences actually function within human cognition, it's a little less easy to compartmentalize and parcel out in tight, tidy packages. Once teachers get past the traditional definition of intelligence, there are powerful new possibilities for learning in the classroom.
The Wheel of MI Domains serves as an organizer for understanding the fluid relationship of the intelligences. In this organizer, I have grouped the intelligences into three regions: the interactive, analytic, and introspective domains. These three domains are meant to align the intelligences with familiar learner attributes teachers routinely observe in the classroom.
By referring to the wheel of domains when planning for instruction, teachers can plan lessons and units which effectively address all of the intelligences in the classroom. Here are two strategies for utilizing the wheel.
In a classroom it would be difficult to cater for all of the 9 differnt learning styles which are:
- Logical
- Naturalist
- Intrapersonal
- Existential
- Visual
- Kinesthetic
- Interpersonal
- Linguistic
So this web site has clealry seperated the 9 into 3 groups of 3
Analytic - which consisits of logical, rhythmic and naturalist.
Introspective - which consists of intrapersonal, existenial and visual.
Interactive - which consists of kinesthetic, interpersonal and linguistic.
This is an excellent website as you are able to navigate your way through the website and click on the diagram and go to specific inforamtion on the section for example 'analytic.' You are able to get information on the 3 domians on intelligence and get a greater understanding.

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